Our Constitution

Equal Status With La Republique Du Cameroon & A Better former British Cameroon  

To be in the driving seat of our own destiny and to shape our own future is a natural desire. It is what we all hope for ourselves and it is what the BCNP believes is right for former British Cameroons. We will achieve Equal Status only when a majority of our fellow citizens are persuaded that it offers the best future for our country. Our success will depend on the strength of our arguments and the clarity of our vision. So we will undertake new work to persuade a majority of the Former British Cameroonians that Equal Status is the best future for our country.

We hope to curb the archaic, unfair and non-functional institutions that La Republique you Cameroon inherited from France to replace it with fairer and modern Anglo Saxon institutions.


A Fairer Former British Cameroons  

Giving everyone the support they need to get on, while protecting the most vulnerable in society and tackling poverty, is crucial to delivering a fairer society. Our vision is to build a fairer South British  Cameroons  where everyone feels valued and we properly support our most vulnerable people.


Creating a Wealthier British  Cameroons   

The BCNP are committed to creating a wealthier, more successful British  Cameroons. We want British  Cameroons to flourish, with opportunities for all as part of a fairer economy. The foundations of British  Cameroon ’s economy are strong – but there’s much more we want to do. We can deliver more and better paid jobs, share the fruits of success amongst our people more equally, and create stronger, more sustainable growth.


A Smarter former British Cameroons.

A good education is an investment – not just in our children, but in our society and our economy too. From early years through to adulthood, we want to provide everyone – regardless of their background – with the very best chance of success in life.


A Healthier former British Cameroons

To restore the National Health Service that was free for former British Cameroons. The BCNP strongly believe that no former British Cameroonian should be denied treatment because he/she cannot afford it. BCNP would create a National Health Service that will publicly funded service, free at the point of use. We will never stop trying to make former British Cameroon’s  NHS healthier.